Catching Up, Maybe

Oh my goodness what a pile of days it’s been.

This is the point in wedding-planning where all the things we thought were settled become unsettled; and everything* we hadn’t even thought of becomes apparent and needs to be dealt with at once; and people make casual suggestions that unravel the best-laid plans; and every single thing becomes 50% more expensive.

So we went to California for a few days, and saw my folks, which was marvelous–they are SO helpful and smart. We actually sat down one evening and just talked through the whole wedding, minute by minute: who sits where and does what, when, with whom, for how long…VERY useful. So that was good.

And I found a very adorable cake-topper couple! Yes, I know I’m a dork, but I love these guys. They’re so serious, and I love how they look totally different from different angles, in different light.
Toppers Stoic
Hopeful couple is hopeful

And we got our marriage license, even taking an oath and everything. So that’s all good.

But then…complications ensued. The place where we’d been planning to have a post-wedding brunch has been…kinda flaky, about a number of things. So we began hunting up a different place. And apparently it’s a holiday weekend (who knew?).

Toppers Vexed
Vexed couple is vexed

And the catering is going to be rather more expensive than what was originally discussed, because, I don’t know. Reasons. It’s all still unclear. Maybe it won’t be as much more expensive. But who can say? It’s one of the mysteries of the universe.

Toppers Moody
Sad couple is sad

And a good friend who is also a florist and had offered to provide dahlias from her vast fields of dahlias, as a gift…well, apparently there’s been a dahlia blight this year, and all her fields are lost, cut to the ground.

Toppers Depressed
Depressed couple is depressed

There was actually a point, by the end of the weekend, when we were seriously considering trying to move the entire event to a different venue, because of the skyrocketing costs and complications involved in trying to essentially build a restaurant in a barn. But, turns out you can’t exactly relocate a party of several hundred people in something under a month, on a holiday weekend, in a tourist-destination place…so, we’re staying. And trying to make it work.

But all that meant that we got a super-late start getting home, and so therefore we stayed an extra night on the road, and only got home yesterday afternoon…so we’re both just trying to play catch-up here.

Which is going along! I got my first batch of Uncanny submissions, and reviewed them, and rejected some and sent some along to the Deciding Editors, which was fun; and the Kickstarter project Mark did art for is now live, you should rush over there and send them some money! 🙂 And a jillion other little things are moving forward. You know, like laundry and freelance work and all. And I harvested great piles of tomatoes, and we found a zucchini that had to have been overlooked before we left, because surely, zucchinis cannot grow that big in five days.

And I know there must be a dozen more things I’m forgetting, but that will only get worse till the wedding, so oh well! Perhaps you will forgive me.

*No, even I don’t believe it’s EVERYTHING. There will be more. Oh yes, there will be.

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