It’s Been A Week?

Oh, negligent blogger is negligent.

It was like I told you: dinner guests and house guests and a giant pile of freelance work and a novel to rewrite…and laundry and chores and going to the gym and, you know, life.

But I like blogging, I do–I think it’s grounding, perspective-izing. It’s good to stop a moment and reflect, rather than rushing ever forward (as I do the rest of the day, it seems). I kept a private diary for decades; I’d stopped by the time I took up blogging, and the blogging sort of scratched that itch, provided that reflective moment in the day.

So, I’d like to find the habit again. Even if nobody reads this, I think it’s an important part of my day.

It’s been the same with yoga. I have a class I go to twice a week, but my home practice has fallen VERY far down. I’m working on reestablishing that as well (though I didn’t do any when the house guests were here). If I can get some of my good old healthy habits back, maybe I’d feel more…balanced?

Because, really, things are great. I have my dream job: working at home, writing, plus editing and proofreading (i.e., getting paid to read awesome books). I’m married to my dream man (and best friend). We have an unbelievable wealth of amazing friends. It’s just…so MANY great things! I feel a little frenetic and overbooked. But it’s hard to say no–each new thing is just one little thing, no big deal, right? But oh, they do add up.

Anyway. The point being, I’d like to get back to a place where keeping a near-daily blog is not such an insurmountable task. Is that doable? I hope so.

I’m getting a new computer tomorrow. At least, that’s the plan. (I’ve had the budget for it for a month or so; I just haven’t had the time to deal with it!) Maybe the excitement of a shiny new machine will lure me back to the blog. 🙂 This old computer…it’s coming up on six years old. It’s served me well, but it is time to say farewell. Goodbye, old computer!
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2 thoughts on “It’s Been A Week?”

  1. Your blog is being read. And appreciated.

    “Arouf shifted in the bed, arranging his pillow more comfortably beneath his head, listening to the kakapos calling one another in the night, and whatever might be rustling through the hisbiscus under his shuttered window.”

    hi[s]biscus — or hibiscus?

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