
I sort of don’t remember what that was I mentioned weeks ago, the exciting things that I couldn’t tell you about yet. Okay, I remember one of them, and I still can’t tell you about it (but hopefully soon!), but the most exciting thing that’s happened since then wasn’t actually supposed to happen for a few months. So I know it wasn’t that. 🙂

Speaking of that exciting thing, it’s still all going well. Baby JJ is holding stable, not growing yet (apparently they aren’t expected to, not for a few weeks), but not shrinking much either. They are putting him under blue lights to make his skin more like what it should be, they are also treating him with eczema cream amazon.

blue light special

And my brother experienced his first diaper change!


And that’s really all there is to report from there, which is awesome. You want the Preemie News Channel to be devoid of drama, really you do.


It’s looking like it’ll be July before we meet the little guy in person. We’ve got a LOT of travel coming up, very soon, and all in the opposite direction from Nephew-Land. And we’ve also got a LOT of work that needs to be done, and a NOT LOT of money. So. We’ve been having very serious talks lately about time, and work, and money, and plans, and all that big stuff. Last year, though delightful (what with getting married and building a new deck and all), was pretty ruinous financially. We have some serious rebuilding to do. It’s going to take some time.

I’ve been contemplating making a more overtly financial post, and I still might. A few other writers are doing it, and I think it’s good, to get the information out there. Most writers aren’t rich. Far from it. Yes, I published a well-received book last year. Other than a half of a very, VERY modest advance (minus the agent’s 15%),* I’ve received nothing from that book yet–and won’t for at least another six months. That’s just how it works.

If the book gets nominated for an award? That would help, I think. World Fantasy Award nominations are now open, in case you were wondering, and Our Lady of the Islands is eligible. (I inquired. Non-living authors cannot be nominated; but the book, and me as co-author: we are eligible.)

Meanwhile…we’re holding it together. My freelance work continues steady. Mark has done a number of book covers, and has a few amazing potentialities in the works. Luckily, we’re both good cooks, and we have a Trader Joe’s within walking distance. Later this summer, delicious things to eat will grow right out there in the back yard. All of which is good, because according to this rubric, we are very much…not middle class.

*My take-home from that advance amounted to roughly a decent–not extravagant–dinner out at a good–not extraordinary–restaurant here in Portland, with wine.**

**Not that we actually went out for such a meal. We couldn’t afford it! The money went to bills, groceries, the ordinary stuff of life.***

***And I had to pay taxes on it, of course.

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