Eastlick and Other Stories

OH GIVE ME STORIES, LOTS OF STORIES A dragon’s tears; Gilgamesh returned; lovers in space; gin, beer, blood; passion and heartbreak; wild legends, gritty truths—and one truly plucky realtor—you’ll find all this and more in Eastlick and Other Stories. Shannon Page’s kaleidoscopic collection of marvelous tales meanders from post-apocalyptic Cyprus, medieval Venice, and the Age of Legends, to the far reaches of outer space—and inner space too. As Janna Silverstein writes in her Introduction, “Like a good glass of wine, a good short story offers complexity and buzz.” Sit down here with Shannon and her friends, pour a glass from any bottle in this fine cellar, and take a moment to savor the experience. Then enjoy another—and another. Unlike other vintages you may have sampled, these will leave you feeling only better in the morning.