Cheerful Post (Follow-Up to Cranky Post)

Until it was time to come home, I had a fantastic weekend.

Alert readers will remember that Jay was down here for a few days last week, so we were able to fly up to Portland together Friday evening. I snuck out of work a bit early and we had a mostly eventless flight up, except for skittering around on the runway at PDX, in the rain. Whew!

Met his parents and K- for a lovely birthday dinner, then back to Nuevo Rancho Lake with K- and hung out for a while. I was unable to convince anyone else to drink wine with me. But never fear: such things discourage me not. 🙂

Saturday was Jaycon all day–pre-party prep (including meeting Jay’s aunt from afar, a lovely morning walk with The Child and her friend, and Jay finding a copy of GREEN at the bookstore even though it’s not officially available till Tuesday); the party itself (I met so many people that I only previously knew as LJ handles, I’m not even going to try to report them all here!); and a small after-party featuring far too many tater tots and entirely wicked conversation.

Back to Nuevo Rancho Lake, crashed, and up early this morning for [See Cranky Post].

And there you have it! Now it’s 4:30; the President of Glyptotronics arrives to cook me dinner in half an hour. I’ve done no writing, no WRPA, haven’t watered the orchids, haven’t even unpacked, much less done laundry. No exercise, no going to open houses, and the P of G is going to have to accompany me to the grocery store if he wants to cook actual food.

Oh sorry, this was supposed to be the cheerful post. 🙂 I’m happy to be home, though a bit wistful too. I do hope to go to yoga tomorrow–my back is still stiff, but I think the big owie of last week has settled back to into the normal general owie. We’ll see. And, I should get off the keyboard and get started on the orchids, at least….

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