Happy Father’s Day!

Busy weekend! Yesterday, the Yogamistress led a flock of her followers out to Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County, where a circumambulation was planned. Alas, we followers were not so obedient as we are in class; a late start happened, some trail confusion ensued, life intervened, and eventually a smaller subset of us broke off after lunch and returned to our cars, and then to the city, before nightfall. I hope the rest of them got off the mountain well enough.

Because I don’t know whether they did or not, because I did not go to class this morning, because Mom and Stepdad came down last night, for an evening of visiting and a Giants game today.


You can sort of see the lovely tie around the neck of Stepdad–the first 15,000 fans got these beautiful Father’s Day ties. Yes, me and Mom too! They came in gorgeous cloth-topped boxes: very classy. Mine’s on display on the bookcase right now. No, I don’t wear ties all that often. 🙂

Anyway, I feel relatively confident that the subset of people who a) write fantasy and b) are baseball enthusiasts, while nonzero, is almost certainly rather small. I mean, just a sense here, but that’s how it seems to me.


We were hanging out in the bleachers in the first photo and moved to our actual seats for the game itself. And it was a great game! Zito pitched, and after he walked the first two batters it seemed like the whole thing was going to fall apart, but then he righted himself and pitched beautifully. The bad guys got a home run that we’re all still not sure about. But, in the end, the Giants prevailed.

Now Mom & Stepdad are headed back to Points North, and I am satisfied, tired, and even a bit sunburned. Between the hiking and the game–I rarely spend so much time outside! And the weather’s been perfect. A very satisfying weekend, all around.

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