Meanwhile, Here in Portland…

…we’ve spent the day going around and getting things done. Lots and lots of things.

There’s a list. There are still lots and lots of things on it.

There is tomorrow, and then the surgery is Wednesday. We are trying to triage the list, so that when the time runs out and the things are not done, the actually important things *are* done.

Jay talks about narrowing. Yep: it’s happening, and not just to him.

Shelly Rae is a goddess of calm and love and support and smart help. When I say “we” above, she’s part of that. Because the “we” that is just me and Jay would be walking from room to room right now, staring at whatever we’re holding in our hands, saying, Why did I come in here again?

I know this because that’s how I was before I left the Witchnest, and that’s how Jay said he was here, though he seems pretty together now.

Anyway: Please be more coherent, Witch. Yes: will do. Welcome, all new LJ friends! I will be posting updates about Jay’s surgery the day-of, once he goes dark–I will probably take the computer to the hospital, and I understand they have wireless there–and I will also be updating his twitter feed. We are supposed to arrive at 6am on Wednesday, for a scheduled 7:30 surgery. That is supposed to last about 4 hours. There is a medium-long list of family members and close friends who will get phone calls, so any more detailed LJ update may be slightly delayed, but I will try to post at least a quick tweet and note when he emerges safely from anesthesia.

Shelly Rae will be with me, so these things will actually happen.

So many people are being so supportive and helpful. It’s amazing how overwhelming this is. And soon. Thank you thank you everyone!!

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